Stress Relief AromaTherapy
for Body & Bath
Pure Expeller Pressed Apricot, Avocado and Grapeseed Oils, Organic Jojoba,
Organic and Wild Crafted Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and Flower Essences
Liniment Massage, Bath & Body Oils ~
Stress Reducing Mood, Meditation & Workout Sprays ~ Spirit Strengthening Perfumes

A liniment strength body and massage oil for relaxation, calming and stress relief. Neroli, Chamomile, Lavender, Spikenard. 4 oz.

A spray for soothing your spirit and re-establishing your confidence, self-respect, emotional fortitude and integrity. Jasmine and Sweet Orange. 2 oz.

Liniment strength aromatherapy massage and body oil to release and heal all the places we store tension. Lavender, Lemongrass, Marjoram, Clary Sage. 4 oz.

Aromatherapy that strengthens and grounds your connection with the Divine, deepens your breath, and encourages constructive emotional work. 2 oz.

A calming spray to relieve stress, anxiety and disharmony. 2 oz.

A stress relief liniment spray for stressed and painful areas, and all those places you store tension. 2 oz.

A high-quality Pregnancy Safe belly oil to increase your skin's elasticity and suppleness to help reduce and prevent stretch marks. Rose, Lavender and Neroli in Apricot oil. 4 oz.

A spray for calming, restlessness and hyperactivity in children. Excellent for helping them refocus at study time and bed time. 2 oz.

A truly Divine Oil for your Divine Child! This high quality oil is for children and babies over 3 months of age. Lavender, Chamomile, Melissa Lemon Balm in Apricot Oil. 4 oz.

Aromatherapy with a hug in every spray! Soothe your Spirit and open your Heart with Frankincense, Lavender and Flower Essences. 2 oz.

A spray to fortify and soothe your spirit and open your heart with the Divine scent of roses. 2 oz.

A spray to bring tranquility and reduce nervous tension, anxiety and stress at bedtime and nap time for the whole family. 2 oz.

Compassion is the Way of Love! Aromatherapy spray with Jasmine for a Compassionate Presence, allowing your Spiritual forces to flow to another. 2 oz.

This spray confirms your Highest Nature as Creative and Divine. The sacred scent of purity, beauty and peace. Neroli Orange Blossom, Tibetan Cedar and Cedar Atlas. 2 oz.

Cleanse, Heal & Clear old and negative energy with this Shamanka's botanical remedy of Frankincense, Cedar, Spikenard and Lemon. 2 oz.

Sacred and sensual. A soft, elegant and elevating perfume oil. A personal reminder of your own sacredness.

Warm your heart, and excite your mind! A rich and romantic scent for women and gentlemen. Frankincense, Cinnamon, and Sandalwood.

Frankincense & Sandalwood. This natural perfume oil combination slows and deepens your breath while it fortifies and soothes your spirit.

This natural perfume brings a Compassionate Presence with Jasmine and Yang Ylang.

A holy oil sacred to all religious and spiritual traditions. Rose Oil heals and opens your heart, comforting and supportive.

Amber and Patchouli make a lovely and enchanting soft Aphrodisiac for year around day and night wear.

20% Off! Your cycle is natural and your tampons should be natural too.

20% Off! Your cycle is natural. Your tampons should be too.

100% Natural with Organic Coconut Oil, Shea Butter and Beeswax. Set of 4, .15 oz Each. Unscented or Anti-Viral with Organic Anti-Viral Essential Oils.